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Sea animals

Sea animals

Sea animals|sea animals in English.

sea animals, In this article we provide information about sea animals. In a strange water world, sea animals breathe in the water, sea animals swim all day.sea animals crawl among rocks and plants on the sea bed.sea animals beauty of nature.

Dolphins and Whales

Dolphins and whales are similar sea animals that live in the ocean. They are mammals, not fish. They feed their young with milk produced by the mother. They also swim up to the surface to breathe, the dive below with a splash. Smooth, rubbery skin helps a blue whale glide through the water. To swim,  a whale flips its powerful tail up and down. A baby whale swims to its mother for safety. It is fact, a newborn blue whale weighs as much as a grown elephant. A grown blue whale is as long as a row of five elephants. A whale breathes by sucking in the air through one or two blowholes on the top of its head. small, crusty shellfish, called barnacles, live on a whaleback, When a whale breathes out a spout of misty spray shoots high into the sky. A blue whale has a giant mouth but eats only the tiniest animal in the sea. Dolphins often play together. They swim in groups and make clicking sounds.

Dolphins and Whales


 Sea animals of turtles can live for as long as 100 years. It usually spends its time paddling underwater in warm, shallows seas. Every few years, a mother turtle swims to the sandy beach. She crawls up the shore and lays a lot of eggs, which hatches into baby turtles. A sea turtle swims fast. It uses its long front flipper-like oars as if it is rowing through the water. At night,  a mother turtle digs a-holes to lay her eggs. She covers the eggs with sand, using it short back flipper Huge front flippers are great in the water, but moving in the sand much more difficult. A thick, heavy shell protects the turtle's soft body underneath. Hard bony scales cover the shell and make it strong. It is easy to munch tough seaweed with a sharp beak. IT is fact, as soon as baby turtles hatch, they climb out of their sandy hole and crawl to the sea. It is an adventure.


A hungry sea animal OF a shark swims silently through the water to hunt for its dinner. It can sea, and smell a meal from far away. A few kinds of sharks, like the great white in the big picture, are fierce, but most are quite shy.  Hammerhead sharks look very odd. It has a wide, flat head like the top of a hammer, and an eye at each end.  Enormous jaws snap up even the biggest and strongest fish. It is fact, a tiger shark is similar to a garbage collector. It eats anything it finds even empty tin cans and old boots. A long, blunt nose sniffs out a snack. The skin of the shark is very rough. A shark breathes underwater through gills on each side of its head. A shark has a row of razor-sharp teeth. When an old tooth break or wears out a new one takes it to place a shark pushes itself along by beating it tails from side to side.


A slippery sea animal of octopus spends the days asleep among rocks at the bottom of the ocean. At night, it slithers out of its rocky den to lock in tasty food to eat. Most of the time, an octopus crawls across the seafloor, but it's also an excellent swimmer. To swim, an octopus stretches its body into a long, thin shape and shoot backward through the water. Huges eyes are good for spotting enemies or food, An octopus pumps out of the funnels in its body to help it swim. It is easy to squeeze into tiny hiding places with a soft body. It is fact, an octopus escapes from danger by squirting dark-colored ink. The ink hides the octopus while it slips away. An octopus has eight wiggly arms called tentacles. A row of strong sucker helps an octopus grip rocks. A crunchy crab makes a juicy meal for a hungry octopus.


Some sea animals of rays lie on the sandy seabed while others swim near the top of the ocean. In the big picture, you can see a manta ray. Its flat body glides swiftly along like a strange bird. Sometimes it flies right out of the water. Watch out for this spotted stingray. It flicks its spiny, Poisonous tail at enemies to them a nasty sting. A thin, wispy tails behind in the water. A manta ray speeds along so quickly that a small ray clings on for an exciting ride. To move, a manta ray flaps its massive wings slowly up and down. A manta ray can bend its smooth, wide-body and do a loop-the-loop. As a manta ray swims, it opens its mouth wide to catch tiny creatures. Two curly flaps guide juicy bits the right way. It is fact, An electric ray has a special way of catching food and defending itself. It stuns fish with electricity from its body so they cannot move.


sea animals are plenty of room in the ocean for lots of different animals. They all swim about looking for food to eat. Words you know here are words that you read earlier in this book. say them out loud, then try finding the things in the picture. gills, blowholes, tails, flippers, suckers' shells

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More sea animals


sea animals of Crabs can be as small as a pea or as big as a dinner plate. They scuttle quickly over the seabed or scurry across the shore. When a dangerous animal comes near, they burrow into the sand or hide under a rock. Strong claws are for crushing food and fighting off attackers. It is fact, a crab can grow too big for its shell. When it does, the old shell cracks open, allowing a new, larger shell to grow. A crab moves sideways on its bony legs. Eyes on moving stalks are good for keeping an outlook. A thick shell protects a crab back like a coat of armor. A flat body makes it easy to wriggle under rocks. A crab has feelers to smell and taste things. A hermit crab has no shell of its own. It makes its home in a shell left behind by another creature.


Thousands of sea animals like colorful fish dart in and out of a coral reef. The water is warm and sunny, and there is plenty to eat. There are also good places to hide from larger creatures that are looking for a meal. A lionfish scares its enemies away. Red stripes and prickly spines on its body make it look extremely fierce. Corals grow in beautiful shapes and colors. Slimy scales help a fish glide smoothly through the water. This tusk fish has needle-sharp teeth for crunching shellfish. A thin body can slip easily into narrow hiding places. Bright patterns make it hard for an enemy to spot a fish among the coral. To stay safe, these butterflyfish swim in a group or shoal. It is difficult for an enemy to tell where one fish end and another begins.


sea animals of Seahorses are fish about gently in seaweed. Seahorses are hundreds of babies. A mother seahorse gives her eggs to a father seahorse. He keeps them all in a special pouch until they hatch. This frilly seahorse has long, leafy fins to trick its enemies. It looks just like a piece of seaweed drifting in the sea. When a seahorse wants to rest, its curly tail is good for clinging to seaweed. Bony rings protect a seahorse from hungry fish looking for chewy snacks. A seahorse swims by flapping its tiny fins to and fro. A seahorse, whose head looks ahead of a tiny horse, sucks up food with its long snout and swallows it whole. Baby seahorse grows inside their father's pouch and pops out one after the other. It is fact, the finest seahorse in the is even smaller than a dime. that smaller than about 7/10 of an inch 18 millimeter.


All kinds of unusual creatures of sea animals cling to the bottom of the sea or drift in the waves. Many of them do not look like animals at all. Each of these creatures has its own clever way of catching food and keeping it out of danger. A purple and orange sea slug floor. Its bright colors warn fish that it tastes horrible. A sea anemone looks like a pretty flower, but this animal traps creatures in its tentacles and eats them. A round fleshy sucker holds a sea anemone firmly to a rock. When a sea anemone is scared, it closed up its tentacles and looks like a blob of jelly. It is fact, a starfish loves to eat shellfish. It wraps its arms around a closed shell and pulls with all its might to reach the tasty food inside. A starfish is shaped like a star. It has five arms covered with small bumps. You can see right through these jellyfish. Longs, stinging tentacles hang beneath their bodies to catch small fish. A starfish slowly crawls over the seabed on the hundreds of little, tube-like feet.


A coral reef is a busy place. How many sea animals can you find swimming or hiding among the bright corals? Words you know here are words that you read earlier in this book. say them out loud, then try finding the things in the picture. Claws, feelers, teeth, fins, tentacles, corals.


Sea animals octopus cannot here at all. seven times as many people are bitten by squirrels as sharks every year in the united states. Sea animals Dolphins cannot smell. The largest mammals and the largest animals that have ever lived is the blue whale. It measures up to 100 feet (30 feet) long when fully grown. A dolphin sleek skin feels like a wet inner tube. Sea animals like starfish turn their stomach inside out to digest food. Most types of sea turtles are endangered.

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