What are the cardiovascular exercise principles and guidelines? - Book finder tv


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What are the cardiovascular exercise principles and guidelines?

what are cardiovascular exercise principles and guidelines?

What are the cardiovascular exercise principles and guidelines? | cardiovascular exercise principles and guidelines? | Which cardio burns the most fat? | What are 7 cardio workouts? | What are the main cardio exercises?

What are the cardiovascular exercise principles and guidelines? Cindy Whitmarsh's goal for you with this Results Fitness interval training exercise is to improve your cardio endurance and efficiently burn calories by quickly alternating 1-minute cardio intervals with 1-minute strength training sets. Upper and lower body are worked separately in two 35-minute workouts, which can be used on alternating days, or performed back to back on the same day for an intense challenge. Cindy works you hard, moving through the intervals quickly yet smoothly. Her friendly, upbeat one-on-one teaching style makes each workout enjoyable and effective.

Each workout alternates cardiovascular 13 strength-building exercises with 13 cardio intervals. Since each strength exercise is done for a minute, the number of reps per set varies from 16 to 24. Cindy includes a few balance challenges and core exercises in each workout Each cardio span highlights one maneuver that is rehashed all minute long. Cindy starts with a low-impact version, then escalates to a higher-impact version that usually involves jumps and hops. You can follow possibly one, or shift back and forth between the two maneuvers in case you're getting drained.

The lower body workout is based on compound exercises that use multiple muscle groups simultaneously -- you'll be doing three types of squats, three variations on deadlifts, and two types of lunges. For these strength sets, you'll be holding your heavier weights. Since you're using the same large lower body muscles for both the cardio and the strength intervals, the lower body workout is more intense. Despite the fact that your pulse might drop when you change from cardio to loads and raise again when you return to cardio, this difference probably won't be as dramatic during the lower body workout as during the upper body workout, where you'll stop moving your feet and focus on working for smaller muscle groups. In the chest area exercise, each muscle is designated independently, albeit a few sets work shoulders and biceps together. The back gets three activities, shoulders get four, biceps and rear arm muscles two each, and chest one - a bunch of push-ups.

7 flat stomach exercises

Who's it for best cardiovascular exercise

Who's it for best cardiovascular exercise 

This workout is aimed at intermediate exercisers who are comfortable with squats, lunges, and deadlifts. Beginners could give it a try but may need to move at their own pace and do fewer reps for the strength sets. Advanced exercisers who don't do high-impact cardio may find the lower impact cardioversion too easy, as the music tempo is 128 bps, pretty low for floor cardio.

Equipment for cardiovascular 

Cindy suggests using a minimum of two sets of weights: light (2 to 5 pounds) for the upper body and heavy (8 to 10 pounds) for the lower body. However, you may want to keep more sets of dumbbells ready since Cindy does a quick preview of the upcoming exercise which allows you to choose a heavier weight if you can handle it. You'll require a couple of stomach muscle practices toward the finish ofthe lower body exercise.

Best features for cardiovascular

The variety of strength exercises, easy-to-follow cardio moves, and Cindy's carefree, good-natured teaching style make this one of the best workouts of 2008.

What needs improvement for cardiovascular

Chapter markers within each workout would allow you to focus on either cardio or strength by skipping over intervals that you didn't want to do that day. Better yet, a strength premix that alternated upper and lower exercises without any cardio would have been a great option.

How's the instruction cardiovascular?

Cindy is an excellent instructor. She previews each exercise quickly (which allows you to pick up an appropriate weight), cues very well, and offers form pointers and encouragement as each interval progresses. She's demanding, but in a pleasant, easygoing, non-bullying way (unlike Bootcamp instructors Jillian Michaels and Jackie Warner).

what is the Rating for cardiovascular

The variety of strength exercises, easy-to-follow cardio moves, and Cindy's carefree, good-natured teaching style make this one of the best workouts of 2008.

Set & Crew
Cindy is working with you one on one, on the same set that was used for Jillian's 30 Day Shred workout and Jackie's One on One workout.

Workout Details

Lower Body Cardio Interval Workout - 35 minutes
Warm-up (2 min.)

step touches with arm sweeps, elbow strikes, elbows to hips, hops with arm swings
plie with torso twists, alternating single jabs, double jabs
brief stretches of chest & upper back

step touches with arm sweeps, elbow strikes, elbows to hips, hops with arm swings
plie with torso twists, alternating single jabs, double jabs
brief stretches of chest & upper back

13 pairs of strength & cardio intervals - 1 minute each

lat row 8x, 8 pulses
heel digs or hopping heel digs

rear shoulder flies with optional one-legged balance
alternating heel lifts or high knees jump rope

triceps kickbacks - both arms
alternating backward lunge taps or ski lunges with forwarding punches

horizontal upper back row (arms are parallel to the floor at shoulder level), then lift forearms until they are perpendicular to the floor (to work rotator cuff)
alternating backward lunge taps or plyo lunges

single arm biceps curl R & overhead shoulder press - add one-legged balance
alternating side taps or jumping jacks

single arm biceps curl L & overhead shoulder press - add one-legged balance
plie hops or football run & hops

overhead triceps press
rotational ski hops or lateral hops

biceps curls and rotator cuff sweep
step touches with elbow strikes or double lateral hops with elbow strikes

alternating one-arm front shoulder raises and lateral raises
repeater knee lifts (all on R leg)

repeater knee lifts (all on L leg)

alternating lat rows while holding push-up position (8 on knees, 8 on toes)
narrow squats or squat jumps

v-sit with alternating cross-body punches
plank jacks - alternating toe taps side to side or hopping both legs out & in

upper lower combo crunch (hand behind the head or reach hands to feet)
mountain climbers - alternating knees to chest slow or fast

stretch (3 min.)
oblique abs, upper back, chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps

Lower Body Cardio Interval Workout - 35 minutes

Warm-up (2 min.)
v-steps, mambos, jumps, pivots, wide marches, lateral lunges with inner thigh stretches.

13 pairs of strength & cardio intervals - 1 minute each

step-touches or hopping laterally over dumbbells

deadlifts (two tempos, no pulsing)
wide marches or fast-feet football run with feet wide

alternating reverse lunges
alternating toe taps to the back or hopping taps

plie squats
blow-outs (hands-on floor, walk feet back & forward or hop feet back & forward)

deadlift with legs wide and toes turned out
alternating toe taps to the side or jumping jacks

one-legged squat (R leg) optional ham curl at the bottom for a balance challenge
bouncing heel lifts or one-legged hops (R leg)

one-legged squat (L leg) optional ham curl at the bottom for a balance challenge
bouncing heel lifts or one-legged hop (L leg)

curtsy lunge (R leg) optional L knee lift at the top for a balance challenge
skaters lunges or hopping skaters lunge

curtsy lunge (L leg) optional L knee lift at the top for a balance challenge
alternating knee lifts or front kicks

low lunge - hands on floor, R leg bent 90°, tap L leg out & in
bob & weave or boxer's shuffle

low lunge - hands on floor, L leg bent 90°, tap R leg out & in
bob & weave or boxer's shuffle

squat & alternating cross-body punch at the top
squat & alternating lateral toe taps or squat & alternating sidekicks