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Discuss common causes of belly fat in men and women

Discuss common causes of belly fat in men and women

Discuss common causes of belly fat in men and women| Belly Fat Causes

Discuss common causes of belly fat in men and women, Belly fat is the body's visceral fat which is located in the internal organs of the abdominal area. It is necessary to burn belly fat as it can cause various health problems in men and women. Belly fat does not come alone; it carries many harmful diseases with it. Cardiovascular diseases, stress, arthritis, diabetes, and many other diseases are caused due to belly fat. There are numerous belly fat causes that lead to weight gain and a bulging belly.

Bellyfat is caused due to various reasons. Here is the description of the causes that play a major role in increasing belly fat.

Imbalanced Hormones

Imbalanced Hormones, Hormones play a major role in knowing how much belly fat would get accumulated around the abdominal area of your body. The hormone named cortisol is the main hormone that is responsible for belly fat deposits. Cortisol hormone stores the fat inside it and so it is responsible for belly fat. In today's life, most people are stressed out due to their hectic daily schedules. As the body gets stressed, it releases a high number of cortisol which leads to belly fat.

Consuming foods that are greasy and processed is harmful to the human body. These foods help the body to produce higher amounts of insulin. Insulin is the fat-storing hormone that helps to gain weight. The higher amount of insulin in the body makes the fat-burning hormone stated as glucagon get off. Thus, more belly fat is deposited due to more amount of glucagon.


Metabolism is one of the causes of deposits of fat in the abdominal area. There are people who eat a lot, but they do not gain weight. This is because such types of people have fast metabolisms which work fast to burn and shed away the extra food which is consumed. Many people's bodies do not work in the same manner. Some people's metabolism keeps on fluctuating throughout their whole life. The metabolism rate is faster when you are young and slows down with age. So remember, the metabolism rate may differ according to your age. So, take control of your diet as you age.


Inactivity is again the cause of belly fat and gaining weight. If you just lie down in bed the whole day and eat more and more, then this is the first reason to cause belly fat. Doing limited movements and eating more is dangerous for your health. It is necessary to shed away the calories daily to stay fit. If you do more physical activity, your heart rate will increase and will burn more energy.


Stress too leads to belly fat. When people are stressed, they usually consume food. As they are stressed and under pressure, they eat more as eating calms the nerves. Stress is also responsible to shed off the body's fat-burning procedure as more hormones and chemicals are released in the body.


Digestion is The common cause of belly fat is improper digestion. Due to the poor bowel movements, the undigested food then gets deposited on the stomach area. So, it is necessary to smooth the bowel movements and to stay away from the extra fat deposits. Drink plenty of water every day which will help your digestive system to become smooth. Make sure your body has the proper amount of vitamins and enzymes. Enzymes permit the body to break down food into something which is of use to the body.


Menopause is the main reason for belly fat in most women. After menopause, the fat gets deposited around the abdominal part in women. There are various hormonal changes that increase the fat deposits near the tummy.

Improper and Irregular Diet

Improper and Irregular Diet is a common cause of belly fat, Many people do not have any specific diet plan; neither do they maintain any food chart to follow for their day. Eating foods which are high in proteins and fiber are helpful to maintain a proper body. Foods that are high in saturated fats, refined sugar, fried foods, and refrigerated foods lead to visceral fat deposits near the belly area.

Few people have bad habits like eating late at night and then sleeping immediately. This is a wrong process as it may cause indigestion and then fat accumulation. So, it is always advisable to eat food 2 hours before you sleep. This process eases the digestion process.

Lack of Exercise

Lack of Exercise is a major fact of belly fat, There are few people who do not exercise regularly. These people are more prone to get belly fat as the fats are not burnt out and which then gets deposited near tummy areas. There are various exercises that reduce side belly fat and center belly fat and make your body look toned and in proper shape.

These are the important belly fat causes that lead to weight gain and make your body look shapeless. So, eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and drink plenty of water to reduce belly fat.

Why Does Stress Cause Belly Fat

Foods that Cause Belly Fat

Foods that Cause Belly Fat

Foods are also Cause Belly Fat, Belly fat is the body's visceral fat which is located deep near the stomach organs. Reducing this fat is not an easy job to do. There are various steps you need to take to reduce abdominal fat. 

The belly fat in the body is produced when the person consumes more calories than is required by the body. These extra calories are deposited in various parts of the body. The belly part is one of the areas where this visceral fat gets deposited and is easily visible. There are various causes of belly fat that can be treated to get rid of it.

Causes of Belly Fat


Stress is one of the causes of belly fat. People who have a lot of stress are at higher risks of getting belly fat.

Alcohol Consumption

Excessive intake of alcohol can lead to belly fat. Most people are habitual to consuming alcohol and they do not take efforts to reduce its intake. Consuming alcohol leads to obesity and all the excess calories get deposited at the abdominal area, thus causing belly fat.

Lack of Exercise

Lackof exercise is again one of the causes of belly fat. Many times, we consume food which has more amount of fat in it. If you do not burn that fat, then there are higher chances of it getting deposited in the belly area. Lack of exercise and more eating make you lazy which in turn increases your tummy, making you look ugly and fat.

Improper Diet Intake

Improper Diet Intake, If you have improper diet intake, then there are higher chances of you getting belly fat. If you eat irregularly and do not maintain a specific diet chart, then your food will definitely get deposited as fat in your stomach area. There are some foods that are to be avoided in order to stay away from excess fat deposits.

Foods that Cause Belly Fat
Rich Creamy Foods

Rich Creamy Foods that cause belly fat, Foods that are rich and creamy might be tasty and satisfying. But these foods are the ones that can lead to an increase in the belly area. Rich foods like ice creams, gravies, and salad dressings may contain a higher amount of cream. These foods may also contain fats, cholesterol, and calories which are harmful to the human body. Foods like cheese, mousse, macarons, cheesecake, cream pies, quiches, cream soups, etc. have more amounts cream contents. All these rich creamy foods may lead to belly fat.

Refined Sugar

Refined Sugar, Foods that contain refined sugar do not have any sort of minerals, fibers, or vitamins. These foods are rich in calories which are harmful and lead to weight gain and an increase in the belly portion. Refined sugars contain a higher amount of carbohydrates which can cause belly fat. They are also known as energy-dense as they contain more amounts of carbohydrates which are responsible for giving energy. Such foods include sweetened fruit juices, table sugar, coffee sweeteners, bottled coffees and teas, carbonated drinks, sports drinks, sugar-coated cereals, candies, etc. Such types of foods containing refined sugar can cause belly fat.

Fried Foods

Fried Foods, Most people have an idea that fried foods lead to an increase in calories. These foods are known to be heavily saturated with fast food and unhealthy food. People who are on diet might consume fried foods in medium quantities to avoid excess fat deposits. But this medium quantity is also risky and one of the causes for belly fat. For example crispy chicken, French fries, and corn dogs.

Flour Heavy Foods

Flour Heavy Foods, Many people think that foods which contain white flour are good for health. But the fact is you should avoid eating food that contains white flour. These foods are responsible for causing belly fat. White flour is easily digestible food and so your body can take the flour and immediately convert it into glucose. Glucose is a sugar that is harmful to health and is responsible for weight gain and belly fat. Foods that contain white flour are pancakes, bread, pizza, and waffles.

Saturated Fats

Foods that contain a high amount of saturated fats can result in weight gain. The saturated fats are taken from animal products like chicken, poultry, beef, lamb, pork, and veal. Animal byproducts like jerky, bacon, sausages, and luncheon meats are high sources of saturated fats. These are the responsible foods for causing fat deposits in the belly area.

Milk cream, butter, soft and hard cheese, frozen dairy products, and yogurt contain high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol. Sauces that are made from creams, soups, and gravies that are cooked from whole milk are high in fat content and increase body weight. The above mentioned are the foods that cause belly fat which is harmful. It is necessary to burn belly fat to stay healthy. Belly fat can cause various health problems like high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, stress, and diabetes. These diseases are risky for the life of human beings. So, treating belly fat is necessary.

What Causes Belly Fat in Men

What Causes Belly Fat in Men

What Causes Belly Fat in Men, These days, men with belly fat are seen more everywhere. These days even young men of the age of twenty are seen as being overweight. It has been noticed that women are more prone to store their fat in their buttocks and thighs, whereas men are more prone to carry the fat in the midsection. The exact reason for what causes belly fat in men is not yet known, as there are many. Belly fat in men can invite many dangerous diseases, especially related to cardiovascular issues. However, to avoid this problem you must try to have regular exercise and have a proper diet too.

Men who gain belly fat are at high risk of serious health issues. Extreme results can be deadly sometimes. Men usually get more belly fat compared to women. Belly fat will increase the risk of

1.     High blood pressure

2.     Some types of cancer

3.     Stroke

4.     Heart disease

5.     Insulin resistance

6.     Type 2 diabetes

7.     High triglycerides

What Causes Belly Fat in Men

  • The rate at which you burn the calories and fat depends on your metabolism. People that have quick metabolism tend to burn calories faster no matter whatever they eat, whereas a slow metabolism makes the fat burn at a slower rate and you will definitely put on extra weight, especially on your abdomen.
  • Men also have the tendency to gain weight with an increase in age. As you grow older, you start losing muscle mass that affects the calorie combustion rate in the body. Your body burns fewer calories compared to what it used to be at a young age.
  • You must restrict the intake of calories and should not have the diet that you use to follow at the age of twenty. If you do that your body will convert excess calories into fat and store it in the stomach for the future, which is why your body stores excess fat in your stomach instead of other parts of the body. Whenever any part of your body needs these calories, the stomach is the easy way to supply them.
  • Exercising plays a very important role in maintaining your health and lessening belly fat. If the physical activity is less, then the chances of getting belly fat are high. Usually, men and older people store fat in the abdomen. Due to less activity, the body fails to burn the stored fat resulting in a larger stomach.
  • As per the research made, stress is one of the reasons for belly fat. If you have any kind of stress issues, the cortisol hormone gets released. Cortisol accumulates the fat around the belly. Some people have the tendency to eat more when they are stressed out. This can lead to excess gain in weight.
  • As per the research made by Dr. Jensen, inherited traits can be another reason for belly fat in men. However, lifestyle and diet also play an important role in increasing stomach fat in the body. Alcohol consumption is another reason for belly fat in men. Hence, it is advisable to minimize the consumption quantity.
  • Spicy and oily foods have many effects on the body. It affects the body mechanism and contributes to bigger bellies in men.
  • It is believed that eating less will definitely lessen belly fat. However, a low-fat diet alone can never make you lose fat. If you stay hungry for a long time, it will create lots of health issues and will not help.

If you still have the problem with what causes belly fat in men, then it is advisable not to think much about it; instead trying to maintain and stay fit can be of great help. Taking preventive measures can definitely keep the problem of belly fat under control. Understand that anything that will harm your body to lessen the belly fat will not be of any use. Instead, try having a diet that includes lots of vegetables and fruits and exercises every day. This can definitely help to lessen belly fat in men.

What Causes Belly Fat in Women

What Causes Belly Fat in Women

What Causes Belly Fat in Women, The problem of belly fat in women is more common. Women have to face not only belly fat issues but other health problems related to it too. Hence, you must have an idea of what causes belly fat in women to be aware of things that can put you at risk. The excess amount of stomach fat including visceral fat results in boosting up the estrogen level which can increase the risk of health problems.

Heath problems that are related to belly fat in women are:

  • Stroke
  • Breast cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Type 2 diabetes

As per the research made regarding reasons for belly fat in women, it has been noted that there is a high risk of premature death due to excess fat in the abdominal area even if the overall weight is normal.

What Causes Belly Fat in Women?

1.     Lack of Exercise: Exercise has become a necessity in daily life, as these days we consume food which has a high content of fat. Lack of exercise can definitely result in belly fat in women. Exercise, however, can help you to maintain your body and makes your heart healthy. If you will not exercise, the calorie intake will not get burned and will lead to the storage of fat in the stomach, resulting in belly fat.

2.     Metabolism Rate: It is believed that as you grow older, the rate of metabolism becomes less, resulting in the accumulation of fat in the body. Along with the belly, fat gets accumulated on the thighs, buttocks, and arms making you look overweight. The hormonal changes taking place after menopause affect the metabolism process and increase fat in the body.

3.     Unhealthy Diet: Diet is one of the factors which should not be ignored. A healthy diet helps to make you stay healthy. Improper diet leads to a buildup of fat around the belly quickly. If proper nutrients and vitamins are not present in the food that you consume, then you will have to face many health complications.

4.     Role of Stress: As per the research made by Yale University researchers, women having stress problems have the problem of belly fat, even if they are not overweight. Some women are susceptible to the effects of the hormone cortisol which is responsible for fat storage around the belly and abdominal.

5.     Problem of Menopause: Menopause is something that every woman has to face. Hormonal changes that are related to menopause result in excess belly fat.

6.     Alcohol Consumption: If you are more addicted to alcohol, then it is not good for the body. It lessens the metabolism rate and increases obesity. Calories that you get due to alcohol consumption get mostly stored in the abdominal fat.

7.     Poor Posture: Poor posture somewhere also plays a vital role in the belly fat problem. Poor posture gives the appearance of a poor belly. Stand in the mirror and look at the body with the hunched appearance and later with the appearance when you stand straight. You will notice the difference in the look of your stomach. This proves that posture can bring lots of differences in the look of the stomach.

Things to Consider

  • Before you get into losing belly fat and toning the abs, you must also know why you have to fight against it. If you are one of the many women who have to struggle hard to lose weight, then knowing what causes belly fat in women can definitely help you to control the amount of fat around your belly. Losing stomach fat also makes the appearance more attractive and makes you feel confident. You will also notice health benefits once you start losing belly fat.
  • Choose a healthy dietary plan and have regular exercise. Skipping meals will not be of any use to you. Strength training exercises, abs exercises, and aerobics like jogging, swimming, etc. can be helpful. Include in your diet the proper content of carbohydrates, fibers, proteins, and fats. Eliminating at least 100 calories a day can help you to get rid of the belly fat problem that you face. Avoid having fattening calories like soda or a glass of wine.

To avoid getting belly fat, bring some changes to your lifestyle. Follow the one that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. Choose stress management techniques like yoga and meditation therapies to relieve stress. Know exactly what causes belly fat in women and try to avoid doing that and you will definitely see the results soon.


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