What are the Extreme ChaLEAN Phases All About? - Book finder tv


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What are the Extreme ChaLEAN Phases All About?

What are the Extreme ChaLEAN Phases All About?

What are the Extreme ChaLEAN Phases All About? In my first post about the ChaLEAN Extreme 90-Day DVD program for weight loss and body sculpting, I shared a bit about the power behind the workout system, Chalean Johnson. There’s also a list of what’s included, what’s NOT included, and an overall evaluation. You can check that out by clicking HERE.

Today I want to go a bit more into the ChaLEAN Phases so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not this workout system is something you want to invest in.


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What are the Extreme ChaLEAN Phases All About

Why is this set up in “Phases”?

When you do the same workout over and over again, not only does your body grow the skills and strength it needs to perform that particular workout (which is where you see weight loss and muscle building begin), but it also begins to adapt.

Adapting is good in one sense – you want your body to be able to perform what you’re asking it to do. But it’s not good in an entirely different sense, because once it adapts, you hit a performance plateau, and you won’t see the continuing fat burning and muscle development you’re after.

What are the ChaLEAN Phases?

The phases are called Burn, Push, and Lean. The reason it’s broken up this way is that muscle burns fat, so you’re going, to begin with, building some muscle, then Push into some hardcore strength and cardio, then the Lean phase brings it all home and starts getting the fat-melting process underway.

The final phase also helps you learn how to keep all the good results you’ve worked so hard for.

The Burn Phase

Your goal in this phase, in addition to jumpstarting your metabolism and beginning to build muscle, is to “fail” in 10-12 repetitions of specific exercises for the upper and lower body.

If you found Chalene’s “cheerleader” attitude a little annoying in Turbo Jam or one of her other workout systems, rest assured that THIS one is all grown up and ready to kick your ass.

You’ll be amazed to see yourself growing stronger, especially if you’re a beginner, and you can expect to feel energized and rejuvenated by the end of this particular cycle.

The Push Phase

If you already know you want to purchase weights, this is the time to do it. Everything you need comes with the system, but if you don’t consider yourself a beginner, you’ll want to power up your muscle building with added weights. Don’t worry, you’ll get some guidance about that on the DVD set and in the Muscle Burns Fat Guidebook.

Chalene will take you through a real challenge by teaching you to lift heavy and push out of your comfort zone. She keeps you in good form and continually shares how to lift safely and appropriately so that you get the maximum good out of your workouts.

The Lean Phase

This phase is where people see the most dramatic weight loss. The reason for this is that you’ve built up some muscle that helps amplify the cardio work you’re doing. Don’t worry if it happens at a different time during the process for you, though! Everyone begins at a different stage. You’ll see the progress if you put the work in! (CHALEAN)

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