The Appearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (RA) - Book finder tv


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The Appearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (RA)

Appearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi

The appearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (RA) |imam Mahdi ki zahoor key waqat umer.

One of the greatest signs before the advent of Imam Mahdi (RA)|appearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (RA), which scholars consider to be the greatest sign, is that Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, will once again fall into the hands of non-Muslims. While this matter is still going on, there will be commotion everywhere and voices will start coming that the antichrist has come. Every Muslim must ask himself who is Imam Mahdi and when will he appear? Today we will tell you in detail about the appearance of Imam Mahdi.

Maulana Shah Imam Ahmad(RA)

Maulana Shah Imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) who was an expert in more than a hundred sciences and who wrote more than a thousand books was asked by someone who is called the Righteous Caliphate, Hazrat Shah Imam Ahmad replied that the righteous caliphate means the era of government which is on the prophetic method, Such as the four Rightly, Guided Caliphs whose names are as follows: Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him), Hazrat Umar Farooq (May Allah be pleased with him), Hazrat Usman (may Allah be pleased with him), Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and Hazrat Imam Hassan (may Allah be pleased with him) And Amir al-mu'minin Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (may Allah be pleased with him) established that Khilafah. And Maulana Shah Ahmad said that in addition to these Rightly Guided Caliphs, I think that there will be a Righteous Caliphate which will be established by Hazrat Imam Mahdi, That is, there will be a time which will be like the time of the Righteous Caliphate. The appearance of Imam Mahdi (as) is one of the great signs of the Hour.

 Maulana Shah Imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) said that there will be a time before the Day of Resurrection when disbelief will be rampant in the world, oppression and sedition will spread everywhere and people will prefer worldly luxuries to the Hereafter and forget the Hereafter worldly luxuries. And will fall into Ishrat.

One of the signs of the Hour will be that time will pass very fast, the year will be equal to a month and the month will be equal to a week and one week will be equal to one day. Destruction will become common and disobedience of parents will prevail. Christianity will dominate the whole world, and Muslim rule will gradually come to an end until Rome, Syria and other Islamic countries fall out of the hands of Muslims. The whole world will be filled with disbelief. Only Mecca and Medina will have Islam and Muslims.

Migration Imam Mahdi (RA).

All the God-fearing and true Muslims will migrate to Mecca and Medina,

The age of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) at the time of appearance

  Abdal will be circumambulating the Kaaba and Hazrat Imam Mahdi (RA) will also be there at that time Imam Mahdi will be about forty years old.

Allegiance to Imam Mahdi (RA).

Muslims will ask them to take our allegiance (Hazrat Imam Mahdi RA) Will refuse then suddenly a voice will come from the absent,

This is the caliph of Allah, Hazrat Imam Mahdi. Listen to him and obey him. All the people will swear allegiance to him. From there, Hazrat Imam Mahdi will go to Syria with everyone.

Confrontation with the Antichrist.

There, in Syria, Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) will face the antichrist. It is worth mentioning here who the antichrist is and how powerful he will be and what are his signs. One of the greatest signs of all will be that one of his There will be an eye and it will also be between the forehead.

Mention of Imam Mahdi in the light of hadiths.

Hazrat Umm Salma (May Allah be pleased with her) said: I heard the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying that the Mahdi is the truth, that is, his appearance is true and it will happen one day or the other. Imam Mahdi will be one of the descendants of Hazrat Fatima Al-Zahra(RA).

Another companion of the Prophet said, "I heard this from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)That Imam Mahdi will definitely come before the Day of Judgment. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said that Mahdi will be from my lineage, From this, it is clear that the appearance of Imam Mahdi (as) is completely obligatory from the hadiths.

Name of Imam Mahdi(RA).

The name of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is not Mahdi but Mahdi is his title. The real name of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be Muhammad.

The costume of Hazrat imam Mahdi (as).

It has also been narrated in the hadiths about the appearance of Hazrat imam Mahdi (as). Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that Imam Mahdi will be from my lineage and his nose will be thin and his forehead will be bright and luminous. His color will be like that of the Arabs, He will have a mole on his right face and his biography will be like that of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). He will be generous in nature. He will be merciful. Will recognize, Clouds will be on the head of Hazrat imam Mahdi (PBUH) and a voice will come from the unseen saying that Mahdi (PBUH) is the caliph of Allah, follow him.

The time of the appearance of Hazrat Imam Mahdi(RA).

There will be heavy rain from the sky, there will be greenery everywhere, there will be peace and order everywhere, and there will be justice and fairness, now the question arises when will Imam Mahdi come, The following are some of the signs before the coming of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (RA),

(1)The river Euphrates will burst from the side of the mountain and gold will begin to appear from it.

(2)There will be a lunar eclipse on the first day of Ramadan and a solar eclipse on the same day and such a lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse have never happened before.

(3)In three or seven nights a great fire appeared from the east, and great earthquakes followed.

(4)The biggest sign of Constantinople, now called Istanbul, will once again fall into the hands of non-Muslims.

(4)Before the arrival of Imam Mahdi, disbelief will have spread everywhere. When people swear allegiance to you, Imam Mahdi will come to Constantinople with all the Muslims and then conquer it.

(5)The matter is still going on that there will be an uproar that the antichrist has come. Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) will go to Syria with all the people on hearing this. But when Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) arrives in Syria, When you get there, you will know that it was the voice of the devil and he lied the antichrist will come out and Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) will be surrounded in this area.

Imamate of first Fajr prayers

The antichrist will travel all over the world. At that time, Jesus (PBUH) will come to the minaret of the Great Mosque of Damascus. This will be the time of Fajr in the morning. Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) may have asked Hazrat Isa (as) to lead but Hazrat Isa (as) will say no, let Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) lead.

The end of the Antichrist

Under the leadership of Jesus (PBUH), the people will go out to confront the antichrist and the fragrance of the breath of Jesus (PBUH) will melt the antichrist. Jesus (PBUH) will chase the antichrist They will throw spears and the antichrist will be sent to hell.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very good bro from rana Riaz