How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat with South Beach Diet - Start Losing Weight Today - Book finder tv


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How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat with South Beach Diet - Start Losing Weight Today

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat with South Beach Diet - Start Losing Weight Today

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat with South Beach Diet - Start Losing Weight Today

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It’s the age-old question; how to build muscle and lose fat? The answers are straightforward and surprisingly simple but the problem is many people never follow them or quickly give up once they have started a program. Whether you know it or not, building muscle and losing fat go hand in hand;  The following are some useful tips on muscle building and fat loss that anyone can easily do.

How To Build Muscle

How To Build Muscle

1. Develop a workout routine: Preferably a program that's includes all muscle groups instead of only targeting specific muscles like the biceps for example. Decide which exercise
to perform for each muscle group and write them down into a body-building exercise plan that will target all your muscles. Make sure you incorporate cardiovascular exercises like walking, bicycling, or jogging in order to increase your stamina. Do the cardio exercises every other day so you can give your body a rest. Overwork is just as bad as for you as not working out at all. Always stretch your muscles prior to any workout.

2. Less weight is better than more: doing repetitions between 8 to 12 reps will build muscle Too much weight can cause injuries or even worse. It is far better to do 10 reps 5 times with a lighter weight than 5 reps 2 times with a heavier weight.

3. Change it up: every 2 weeks develop a new workout regime or switch around the order of the various exercises. Boredom breeds complacency.

4. Take measurements every week: this is vital as it will be impossible to tell initially whether your exercises are working or not. Plus it is a great motivator.

5. Set your goals and achieve them: start easy and then increase the level of the goal.

6. Don’t quit once you have attained your ideal: it will take some time to achieve your muscle-building goals but only a couple of weeks to start losing them through lack of continued exercising.

For More Tips On How To Build Muscle, Visit Our Muscle Building Article Section

How To Lose Fat

1. Cut the carbohydrates: not all of them but most. Stick with complex carbs such as Oatmeal, Yams, Brown Rice, Wholegrain Bread, Potatoes, Beans, etc. Your body does need some carbs in order for it to function correctly but not near the amount we normally consume on a daily basis.

2. Don’t diet, change your eating habits: diets don’t work because once you achieve your goal weight; you quit the diet and go back to the previous bad eating habits again. You have to make a concentrated effort to eliminate the unhealthy fat-adding foods from your eating routine. Only when you change your daily eating regime will you lose fat and keep it off Permanently

3. Try not to eat after 6:00 pm: no snacking. If this is impossible due to work or lifestyle then make dinner the smallest meal of your day and try not to consume carbs during this time. Try to make breakfast your biggest meal, lunch second, and dinner third.

4. Eat healthier: get rid of junk foods and sodas. Eliminate caffeine completely if you can. Drink plenty of fluids each day.

An important factor in building muscles and losing fat 

The single most important factor in building muscles and losing fat is to get started on a program. Just don't think about it, stop thinking and start doing! This step is often the hardest for many individuals but once they actually start a muscle-building fat loss regime, they can and will achieve their goals. By maintaining a long-term commitment to a weight maintenance program designed for muscle building and fat loss, never again will they be staring in the mirror wondering how their body became so sloppy.

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