Dietitians, fitness nutritionists and health practitioners - The True Weight Loss Professionals - Book finder tv


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Dietitians, fitness nutritionists and health practitioners - The True Weight Loss Professionals

Dietitians, fitness nutritionists and health practitioners - The True Weight Loss Professionals
Dietitians, fitness nutritionists and health practitioners - The True Weight Loss Professionals

Dietitians, fitness nutritionists and health practitioners - The True Weight Loss Professionals, A lot of people ask me - "What foods are good to eat to help me to lose weight ?" My response is - are you hyperglycemic, do you have heart problems, problems with bloating ? etc. It's really going to depend on what specific problems you have, your overall health and your lifestyle.

The food that is right for one person may not necessarily be right for you. There are of course foods that generally encourage weight loss under the right circumstances, this is true.[4] However, on an individual basis there are too many variables to deal with that an email or one website page cannot hope to address.

Get Advice From The Right Sources

Get Advice From The Right Sources

As a health writer, I want to educate people, but there is a point at which I must stop and refer you to a dietitian or other qualified health practitioner.

The counselling received from a dietetic professional[3] or even fitness professionals such as personal trainers, are often easier to implement over the long term. Many physicians for this reason may opt to refer obese patients to a dietitian or suitably qualified nutritionist.

Recommending that you get professional dietary counselling from people trained in dietetics and nutrition, is the best advice I can give you. There are too many unqualified people giving out advice that isn't founded in research - or selling this advice !

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Dietary Counselling Works

Dietary Counselling Works 

Research shows that professional dietary counselling intervention helps to improve healthy eating habits. Bemelmans et. al. (2004) conducted a quasi-experimental study looking at the effects of a nutritional education program conducted with 266 patients at risk of coronary heart disease over a three year period.

While the researchers found that there were no coronary heart disease risk factor differences between patients who received dietary counselling and those who did not, they did find that those patients who'd received counselling ate less fat in total and less saturated fat, with higher intakes of fish and vegetables.

So whilst other factors may be need to be addressed to lower their risk of heart attack, the counselling helped them to eat healthier diets.[1] So you can effectively change your unhealthy eating habits by getting advice from a dietitian.

Choose Healthy Habits Instead

Researching fat burning food and looking for safe, healthy foods that you can eat to encourage steady and permanent weight loss?

Savvy Fat Burning Food makes it a point to not only present healthy food options but also to present the available research into the effects of these foods on fat burning.

Do People Tell You Certain Foods Can Burn Fat?

Some may have told you that there are "secret" foods that you can eat. They may have also told you that the nutrition experts don't want you to know about them.

"Shhhh....Eat cabbage soup and you'll lose weight"

"Eating strawberries will make you thin"

Sound familiar? The truth is, eating certain foods to lose weight is not healthy and is not an effective way to lose weight in the long term.

There is an entire industry associated with weight loss. Some of them ethical, some of them not. The problem is telling between the two.

Don't know what to believe anymore?

This site aims to save you some of the heartache, time, and worry. It presents good clean food that is accessible to anyone who lives close to a supermarket and presents the research so that you can make your own decisions.

It also looks at the research associated with some of the ingredients most commonly included in fat burning and weight loss supplements.

I Research, You Read

I have been a health food fanatic for years now. Yes, that's right, I spend all day reading about nutrition and the available research. So the fat burning food information presented here is a result of fanaticism for finding the truth. As a student and a writer, I am keenly interested in nutrition as a whole.

Read about fat burning food facts, diet plans, or healthy recipes. Use some of our resources such as the tools page which lists resources such as the carbohydrate calculator or our Directory of Weight Loss Products and Resources. You can also become a part of our community or take advantage of our free downloads.

Want to Lose Weight Without Exercising?

Have you ever felt that if you just ate the right foods, that you could lose weight, without doing any extra exercise?

Maybe someone has told you that you could lose weight without doing any exercise.

Well, this is probably not the answer you were looking for, but realistically, weight loss will not happen if you don't combine at the very least, a healthy diet with sensible physical activity.

There's just no two way's about it, it just won't happen. To put it simply you need to burn more calories than you are consuming.

How To Lose Weight Healthily

The only way you're going to lose weight healthily is by eating healthily and exercising.

So forget the raw food diets, the cabbage diet, the starvation diets, the celebrity diets or whatever diet you've been on in the past. I want you to think about having fun, feeling satisfied, feeling invigorated.

Eating well and keeping active, these are your keys to a healthier lifestyle.

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